COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Date of Assessment: 21st August 2023

Assessment Conducted By: Little Tales


The safety and well-being of our Little Tales families is our top priority. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have conducted a comprehensive risk assessment to ensure that our group operates in a safe environment. This assessment outlines the measures we have implemented to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Risk Assessment:

1. Risk of Transmission:

Risk Level: Moderate

Measures Taken:

Reduced Class Sizes: Each class will have a maximum of 15 children to allow for physical distancing.

Social Distancing: Children and adults are encouraged to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter during sessions.

Face Coverings: Adults are encouraged to wear face coverings where possible and if preferred throughout the activity.

Improved Ventilation: We will ensure proper ventilation by keeping windows and doors open whenever possible.

2. Cleaning and Hygiene:

Risk Level: Moderate

Measures Taken:

Enhanced Cleaning: Our facilities will undergo regular cleaning and, paying special attention to high-touch surfaces.

Hand Hygiene: Children will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently.

3. Symptom Monitoring:

Risk Level: Low

Measures Taken:

Health Screening: Parents are required to monitor their child's health and not bring them if they display any COVID-19 symptoms. Anyone with a fever or symptoms will not be permitted to enter.

4. Parental Involvement:

Risk Level: Low

Measures Taken:

Limited Attendance: A maximum of two parent/guardian will be allowed to accompany their child.

5. Communication:

Risk Level: Low

Measures Taken:

Clear Guidelines: Parents are encouraged to check and follow government guidelines on COVID-19.

Prompt Reporting: Parents are required to notify us immediately if their child or anyone in their household tests positive for COVID-19.


We are committed to creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants of Little Tales. Our risk assessment will be regularly reviewed and updated to align with the latest guidance from health authorities. By working together and adhering to these measures, we can ensure a positive and safe experience for everyone involved.